Creating Big Success in Your Career

Demonstrating Thought Leadership On Social Media

Demonstrating Thought Leadership

Being perceived as a thought leader helps you with your career. As thought leader, you attract people who are interested in your subject matter expertise. Your opinions and thoughts matter, and you change people’s perspectives and motivate them to act.

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Super Selling Skill

Super Selling Skills

Persuade, influence and negotiate are part of selling which one of the most useful skills one can develop. If you are looking for a job, you are selling, you are selling your time and services. If you are setting up

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what participants say

Attending Eric’s webinar ‘Demonstrating Thought Leadership on Social Media’ for NUS EMBA students was an eye-opener for me. Eric shared his authentic stories in business and life with us, which pushed my boundaries to become a better leader and person. Not only that, but Eric provided us with practical tips to build meaningful connections in the digital world that you can apply to tomorrow. If you want to be the champion of your life, Eric’s Institute of Life is the place to be.”
“The first lecture that I attended was back in 2016 at Tsinghua University. Since then, I attended multiple lectures in Beijing and Singapore, including 'How to make MD in Investment Banking', 'How to change People’s Mind from No to Yes', 'How to be a Star Analyst in Banking' etc. The skills taught were highly applicable for my career in an Investment Bank. Eric's tips and advice on Personal Branding and Social Media Strategy were very helpful, especially in today’s environment where much of networking is done through digital platforms. Eric’s use of personal anecdotes made his content not only memorable but also relatable, making Eric’s lectures stand out amongst the many career talks that students today are exposed to.”
“Before attending Eric's sharings, LinkedIn was a passing thought and I never truly knew how to leverage on it. Was it simply a social media for older people? Turns out it's the best place for students to get connected with professionals or job hunt if personal branding is done well. After attending several workshops and sharings, I was very inspired by Eric's remarkable journey and took heed from the many tips given, from storytelling to communication. I also appreciate how he helps students like myself in LinkedIn personal branding even after the workshops have ended. A LinkedIn revamp has improved the size and value of my network tremendously ever since!”

We teach career and life skills to complement what is being taught in schools

  1. Stand out from the crowd and win trust with personal branding
  2. Get what you want with PIN (Persuasion, Influence and Negotiation)
  3. Manage your career to get ahead and defend yourself from office politics
  4. Shape your life and build confidence using stories
  5. Develop super selling skills to sell yourselves and get your dream job
  6. It’s not who you know but who knows you! Build your social capital and expand your network
  7. How to deal with failure, build resilience and face challenges
  8. How to have multiple careers with extreme time management 
  9. Becoming a thought leader on social media
  10. Want to work in top international companies? Cultivate your cultural awareness 
  11. From zero to one million followers – how to write engaging LinkedIn posts
  12. Living a good life and achieving MMHH (Money, Meaning, Health and Happiness)

We also cover banking & finance industry knowledge

  1. investment banking (sector, product, coverage)
  2. bulge bracket investment banks
  3. sales & trading
  4. private banking
  5. risk management
  6. trend in fintech